What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate

What Does Pending Mean In Real Estate? A Comprehensive Guide

Pending is a common situation that numerous clients have to face during the process of completing a real estate contract. So what does pending mean in real estate? Find your answer in this article!

December 25, 2021

Numerous potential home purchasers were trusting that the 2021 real estate market could be a little bit softer, but shockingly, the inverse has held true – particularly in rural or suburban markets. Homes are clearing out the showcase as long as they’re recorded, and numerous estate searchers have been alarmed by a “pending” notice on their potential home purchasers.

So what does pending mean in real estate? Let’s find out together with RealEstate-Prep in this article for more information!

What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate

What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate?

The real estate pending definition can vary slightly, but in most cases, it always means an accepted and binding contract between the buyer and the seller. It also means that both parties have signed the contract and are ready to move on. But there are often things that need to be agreed upon by both parties in order for a sale to go smoothly.

An offer is “pending” because there are several terms that have yet to be finalized to end the contract. This could be anything from the contingencies of a home purchase, repairs, inspections, court approvals, or reports. There is no time limit to cancel a contract. The contract must be canceled, expedited, or completed on both sides. The courts will decide legal disputes, but until then, real estate is in a state of ambiguity.

Read more about What is real estate?

Can a Realtor Show a House That Is Pending?

Under most circumstances, the answer is no. Ordinarily, when a buyer submits an offer letter to purchase the real estate, there’s a clause that says the mortgage holder can’t cancel the deal in case another offer comes in – even if it’s a distant better one. While this might feel irritating, it’s something you’ll appreciate once you are done getting your dream house – you don’t want to sign the paperwork, get the advance, and turn in the keys for your current put, and get to stress the full time that somebody can still outbid you.

In fact, you’ll still be able to yield an offer and be a potential reinforcement to the acknowledged offer. The buyer can’t consider your offer unless the current deal falls through, in spite of the fact that, so specialists will as a rule debilitate you from squandering your time and feelings on attempting this.

Do Pending Offers Fall Through?

There are a number of reasons this happens:

There are many details that need fixing

You might think that homebuyers would pay attention to the texture of the home and the potential of the property with little attention to the details. In fact, unless the home buyer intends to demolish and rebuild from scratch, they always want to buy a house to be able to live in immediately. Just one broken window can reduce the value of the house.

Financing falls through

Not shockingly, financing is an imperative portion of effectively buying real estate. Indeed in case, a buyer is pre-approved for credit, something like losing or stopping work after the pre-approval takes place – or taking on a parcel of obligation – can alter the lender’s mind.

Low appraisal

Low appraisal in some cases happens when offering wars raise an estate cost way over market-level costs. Moneylenders frequently won’t favor the credit in case the evaluation is far lower than expected.

Home inspections reveal issues

In spite of the fact that it’s exceptionally uncommon for a house to have no issues, a few issues uncovered in a house review can be more overwhelming than the buyer was arranged for or monetarily prepared to handle. And some of the time in case the deal does have buyer’s regret, they will utilize the home inspection as a method to legitimately leave the deal.

What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate

How Long Will Real Estate Pending Offers Last?

There is no specific answer, but usually, if a buyer gets a loan, the total contract period is about 1 to 2 months. If a buyer pays in cash, closing the deal can take as little as a week, even a few days.

The length of time for an offer to continue to wait often depends on what conditions each party is trying to meet, and how transparent it is. In the event the closing date is delayed pending funding or repairs are made, the stand-by will continue until a mutually reasonable solution is found, or otherwise, the contract will be terminated. risk of cancellation. This condition can take a long time.

Why Do Pending Sales Take So Long?

There are many reasons why a pending offer can go on for months. Those reasons include such factors as inspections or a delay in surveys, appraisals, or even the homeowner’s insurance status.


Repairs can certainly prolong the wait. In most cases, both parties agree. However, there are times when disputes arise and both sides seek legal advice. During this time, the property will continue to be on hold.

Sponsorship issues

Pending offers can take 30 to 60 days longer if the buyer and seller agree to a longer deadline because of funding issues. An example would be if a seller is asking for a longer period so they don’t have to move twice because they have to find a temporary place to live before they can buy another home.

Lack of documents or special loans

Document shortages include problems with certificates of ownership, such as a missing document or signature. Another thing to consider is the type of financing used because the constraints surrounding a certain type of loan can also make the completion time longer.

Differences Between Under Contract vs Pending

  • Under contract: An offer has been made by the buyer and accepted by the seller. 
  • Pending: All contingencies have been removed (i.e. requirements have been met) and the home is under contract. 

Under the contract, a property is much closer to being sold than a property that is sold pending.

What’s The Difference Between Contingent vs Pending?

What does “contingent” in real estate mean? A contingency could be an asked provision – a defense of sorts – to ensure the buyer’s sincere cash for a particular circumstance where the buyer would feel compelled to back out of the bargain. They’re frequently utilized to create real estate deals subordinate to evaluations, assembling a certain edge or the buyers being able to offer their current real estate. A deal can be pending depending on the contingency. When a buyer demands a contingency and the dealer acknowledges, it may be an unexpected deal. At this point, the dealer can’t acknowledge another offer, but the buyer can opt out in case their contingency can not be met.

A common contingency is that the buyer ought to offer their existing real estate before the current deal will complete. The offer is unexpected from their ancient real estate offering. These contingencies are more normal in a buyer’s advertisement since they are considered hazardous for dealers. In a seller’s showcase, where vendors have the upper hand, competition, and different offers can be interpreted by vendors as it was selected for non-contingent offers. Evaluation, review, and financing contingencies are all common as well.

So is there a distinction between pending and contingent real estate? You’ll say that contingent contracts get to be pending contracts once the contingency is met, but they both mean that an offer on the property has as of now been acknowledged.

Read more about pending and contingent in Contingent vs Pending: What Is The Difference? 

What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate

How Often Are Real Estates In The Pending Stage?

Like anything appearing in the real estate profession, pending deals are variable based on a number of components. Competitive showcase conditions can impact the probability of a pending deal – as can the time of year or locale. Concurring to information collected and published by the National Association of Realtors, pending deals are most common within the American South, and least popular within the American Northeast.

Take a look at a particular real estate that’s pending. Reach out to the group of qualified nearby specialists and they can reply to your questions, put together a reinforcement offer (in the event that they’re being acknowledged), or discover another real estate that’s indeed a way better fit for you.



We hope that after reading this article, you can exactly understand what is pending in real estate and be ready to join the real estate market. To do this, mastering the knowledge and skills of this field is extremely important. There are many ways to strengthen your knowledge, and the most effective way to gain knowledge quickly and firmly is to take our Real Estate practice exam. Good luck to you!