how hard is the real estate exam

How Hard Is The Real Estate Exam? Top 10 Real Estate Tips

How hard is the real estate exam? Right now let’s find out the most beneficial tips and tricks about the real estate exam in the article below with us!

May 20, 2022

Passing the real estate exam required by your state is one of the first steps you need to take if you want to work in the real estate industry as an agent or broker. No matter how well or poorly you perform under pressure, there is no getting past this step.

As a result of this, you may be curious about the degree of difficulty of the real estate test “How hard is the real estate exam?”. The answer you provide will be influenced by how well you have prepared for the exam. The test for real estate is one that is challenging and requires much preparation in order to pass. You will, however, need to get a passing grade on the state exam in order to work in the real estate industry as a broker or agent. Preparation is the most important factor.

How Hard Is the Real Estate Exam?

To begin, let’s take a look at how challenging the real estate test is going to be for you.

Real Estate Exam Pass Rate

The examinations for real estate are designed to exclude candidates from further consideration who are not qualified to be real estate agents. What is the real estate exam pass rate? The proportion of students that pass the examination administered by their state varies from state to state, although it is often around 50%. This suggests that only about half of the people who try to pass a state licensing exam really do so successfully.

This might be due to any number of factors, all of which are equally legitimate explanations. Sometimes a candidate is simply unable to do well on an exam for whatever reason. In the event that they have not completed an approved real estate education program, the material may be lacking. In any event, given that there is a fee connected with failing the test, doing so would be an unnecessary waste of money.

Real Estate Exam Passing Score

What is the passing score for the real estate exam? What score do you need to pass the real estate exam? A score of at least 70 percent is required in the majority of states in order to pass an exam to get a license to practice real estate. In order to get a license in any state, you are required to achieve an overall score of 70 percent on the components of the exam that pertain to both the national level and the individual state.

Don’t forget to take our free Real Estate practice exam to get familiarized with the format as well as the questions of the actual exam to strengthen your knowledge and skills, as a result, enhancing your chance to pass the Real Estate exam with a high score on your first attempt. Good luck to you!

Why Do People Fail The Real Estate Exam?

how hard is the real estate exam


A single word might be the death knell for exam preparation. In order to give me more time to prepare, I’ve decided to put off taking the state test until next year. Take your real estate test as soon as you can, while the material is still fresh in your memory.

Either you’re deceiving yourself or I’m deceiving you – or both! When it comes time to take the real estate test, your study materials will be gathering dust until you do. As soon as you do, you’ll be cramming like everyone else studying for a memory-based test. That is to say, your time and effort will be exactly the same as they are today.

Putting off studying for the real estate test may have worked for you in high school or college, but it won’t work for you now. As previously said, plan ahead and study a bit at a time in order to succeed on your test. This is the process through which information gets ingrained in the brain. The optimum time to take the exam is just after you finish studying so that you may test your knowledge. You’ve completed your real estate training. Take the test as soon as possible.

Failure to Stick to a Study Schedule

Yes, I am aware of your disinclination for academic pursuits. For the most part, your pals probably talked you into going to real estate school by saying their cousin heard it from their dog and that it was simple. Here’s some bad news: it’s not as simple as it seems. “Nothing worth accomplishing in life is simple,” is a saying you’ve undoubtedly heard before, and for the most part, it’s true. Real estate is a wonderful career choice that is both long-term and rewarding.

In addition, it is true that the entrance hurdles are lower than in most other businesses. The real estate test, on the other hand, is a lot more difficult than completing high school P.E. class! Make a strategy, stick to it, and don’t stray from what’s working. When it comes to passing your real estate exam, follow a strategy devised by specialists who know precisely what it takes to succeed. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel or even break it; instead, stick to a method that has worked before.

Spending Too Much Time on Unimportant Topics

I use a simple sentence every day in both my personal and professional life. “The easy way is the correct way” is the adage. Obviously, part of this is a management strategy for our real estate school, but it’s also relevant to anybody preparing to take the real estate licensing test! According to a state contract, a testing provider must provide a test framework and a set of questions per subsection for each subject on their website. It is thus clear how much of each curriculum area is on the test when you sit for it.

I strongly recommend that you include this in your study strategy. There is a basic component of the test that addresses property ownership and property law, for example. There are about 30 pages of content in this chapter of our guidebook. You could easily devote half of your time to this part and have little time for anything else.

There are just five questions in this part of the test’s topic outline, though. That’s five out of a possible total of eighty questions. Real estate contracts and real estate agencies each have 10 questions on the test, so I wouldn’t spend nearly as much time learning that area. Make the most of your time by focusing on what you’ll be asked the most.

Afraid of Exams

As stated at the beginning of this essay, real estate school students come from many walks of life and educational levels. Furthermore, some folks just aren’t good test-takers.

For example, at least one local agent, whom I know well, failed the real estate test five times before finally passing. What a surprise! For many years, he has been the best agent in the business! She’s a lousy test taker, but she’s a colossal force in the industry. Make sure you utilize your emotions in a positive way to achieve your goals in life.

Many professional athletes talk about how nerves are excellent since they show that this matters and this is what you are looking for. You should be apprehensive about the test, but only if you have legitimate reasons for it. Excited about your new job and exhilaration about how you’re going to crush your exam are two examples of good reasons to be pumped up for this test.

Exams are stressful, but they’re also an opportunity for you to show your best self. In the past, I have advised my pupils that if they enter a test room believing they would fail, they may as well exit the room and not waste their time and effort.

Anxiety and nervousness are frequently caused by a lack of preparedness in both test preparation and sports competition. As a result, you shouldn’t have anything to be concerned about if you worked hard, followed a strategy, and selected a well-regarded program of study. Finally, keep in mind that the worst-case scenario is that you’ll have to pay and retake the test. That’s a nuisance, but it’s not a deal-breaker.

Low Pre-Test Routine and Test-Day Anxiety

Unbelievably, a lot of people don’t do well on the test because they haven’t adequately prepared for the day of the examination. They don’t bother getting ready before they get out of bed and go straight to the testing facility without making any preparations. Things do not seem promising for the future as a result of this.

If you want to do well on the exam, planning out your timetable ahead of time is really necessary. This will not only assist you in concentrating better, but it will also reduce any anxiety that you may be feeling the night before your exam.

>>Read more: How Many Times Can You Take The Real Estate Exam?

Which State Has the Hardest Real Estate Exam?

The states of Colorado and Texas are known to be among the most challenging when it comes to the acquisition of a real estate license. A state will not provide a license to practice real estate unless you have successfully completed the necessary coursework and passed the associated test. The required amount of time might be anything from twenty to over two hundred if the state is taken into consideration. The courses may be taken in either an online or a traditional classroom setting.

The process through which licenses are distributed to real estate brokers and agents vary from state to state. When trying to purchase or sell a house, you will most likely come into contact with a real estate agent in addition to a broker. In order to maintain a current license, a broker is required to maintain continuous employment with the latter.

Agents working in the real estate sector should have considerable education and training, as well as a strong working knowledge of the industry itself. There are many different names for salespeople and brokers, and these titles might change depending on where you reside. In the state of Colorado, a new real estate agent is referred to as an associate. He or she will be supervised by either an independent broker or a broker working for an employer.

Because agents in that state are required to complete 160 hours of study, pass two examinations, submit to a background check, and be fingerprinted, Colorado is often regarded as the most challenging state. When it comes to educational prerequisites, the majority of other states need less than one hundred contact hours. You are eligible to skip the pre-licensing study if you have either passed the bar exam or graduated from law school.

Tips for Passing the Real Estate Exam

how hard is the real estate exam

One of the most important steps you need to do in order to become a real estate agent is to make sure you pass your real estate exam. In order to better prepare for the exam, we suggest the following simple steps. The first thing you should do is make use of study tools and resources to get yourself ready for the exam. If you need help figuring out what to do, talk to a friend who has already passed the real estate exam. 

Make sure you’ve had a restful night’s sleep before you show up to the test and start writing answers down. Check that your responses to the questions on the exam are correct as well. Take your time and focus on the particulars, since in the end, it will make all the difference. If you follow these steps, you should be able to get a passing grade on your real estate exam.

Attend a Pre-Licensing Seminar

Before taking the real estate license exam, you are required to first complete a pre-licensing course. Taking a course that prepares you for the exam will teach you all you need to know not only about the examination itself but also about how to be a successful real estate salesperson or broker in your state. You will have a good foundation for the examination based on the requirements of your state.

I recommend looking for a real estate exam preparation program that is specialized in your state. If you want to pass the real estate test in Michigan, it is crucial that you understand the differences between the real estate exam in California and the one in Michigan. If the online real estate school you attend is tailored to the requirements of your state, you may find that it is helpful in preparing for the real estate test. You will have the flexibility to work around your schedule to complete real estate courses that are taken online.

Take Practice Exams

To determine whether or not you are prepared for the exam to become a real estate salesman, it is recommended that you first take a Real Estate practice exam. You will be provided with examples of the kinds of questions that might appear in the examination. Check to see if the pre-license training you’re getting includes a test that gives you permission to work.

You should go through the practice test as many times as you feel is required. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your preparation for the state exam, you should do as many practice exams as is humanly possible. Create a list of the different types of questions that throw you off throughout your practice sessions so that you may focus your attention on improving those specific areas. One way to improve one’s chances of passing the final exam is to concentrate one’s study efforts on real estate mathematics, for instance.

Practice Proper Test-Taking Techniques

It is essential for the preparation course for your state exam to not only cover the subject that will be on the exam but also offer you direction on how to enhance your test-taking abilities. A few important factors to bear in mind are as follows:

  • Start by answering questions that you already have an idea of the answers to.
  • Start by removing all of the incorrect responses, and then choose the best feasible correct solution from those that remain.
  • Don’t go back and forth with your responses.
  • If you’re short on time, skip the tough questions and return to them later.
  • Keep your airways open while you’re taking the exam since a lack of oxygen will impair your memory.
  • Make sure you’ve gone through the whole question. “Many” and “all,” for example, have the power to transform the meaning of a question and its response.

In order to achieve a passing score, you must answer only those questions you know the answers to.

Make Notes and Reread Them

While you are preparing for the exam, you should create a lot of notes and flashcards. If you want to have everything at your disposal, you may want to think about using some kind of digital note card program. While you are walking about with these note cards, you should devote as much time as possible to studying for the exam.

You should, however, not let the note cards give you any reason for concern. They have the ability to assist you in remembering what you have learned. Keep in mind that doing anything more than once helps you learn it better, and the more you do it, the more prepared you will be for the exam when it comes around. While you are studying, take note cards of any challenging topics that you come across, and be sure to review them many times.

Take Care of Yourself

Take special care to ensure that you receive sufficient rest and that you maintain a healthy diet in the days leading up to your real estate exam. Try to resist the temptation to study till late at night on the night before the exam. If you’re exhausted, not even the most comprehensive study guide in the world will be able to aid you.

Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test in order to better prepare yourself for it. You won’t need to cram as much since your grade will increase anyway.

Remember It’s Not a Race

Even though this is not taught to you in real estate school, the real estate exam is not a competition of any kind. Some of the other applicants will finish their tasks sooner than you, while others may need more time. The aim isn’t to be the quickest; the goal is to complete in the allocated time.

Contact a Mate

Always having two (or more) heads is preferable to just one. Work together with other people who are preparing for the same examination. Not only does studying in a group make it easier to cover more material, but it also helps students cultivate a feeling of responsibility for their academic performance. It’s possible that being held accountable for your academic success in front of other people will be a very effective motivation for you.

Talking to friends who have already completed the exam is another option that might be beneficial. For instance, they may be able to tell you which parts of the exam they found particularly challenging and what they took away from the experience as a result. Making relationships with other real estate agents may provide you with additional benefits, one of which is the potential to assist you to grow your network and alert your family and friends about an anticipated employment shift.

Focus on the Details

It is simple to overlook the little particulars when one is under pressure or when time is of the essence. Make sure to write down the question number on your response sheet so that you don’t end up writing the answers in the wrong order by mistake. A single mistake might result in the student failing the whole exam. If you are not paying attention, it is possible that you will not be able to modify your replies until it is too late to do so. There shouldn’t be any empty spaces there. If you’re not sure how to do it, give it a go.

Positivity Is Key!

Your frame of mind will, in the end, have a significant impact on the level of success you experience. Try not to let worrying about the pass rate in your state or the specifics of your pre-licensing curriculum consume your thoughts. While you are putting up your best effort, remember to have a positive frame of mind. If you go into the test with a good attitude, you’ll give yourself a far higher chance of passing it.

But even if the worst-case scenario arises and you end up failing the exam, there is absolutely no reason for embarrassment. You are permitted to retake the examination in real estate as many times as you feel it is required. Do not be scared to give anything else a go even if at first you are unsuccessful.

What to Do After Passing the Real Estate Exam?

how hard is the real estate exam

After you have successfully finished all of the necessary coursework and have received your real estate license, you may be able to start your career in the real estate industry. Nevertheless, it may be difficult to launch a successful profession from the beginning.

The present moment is an ideal opportunity to begin your search for a broker who can act as your sponsor. Because of your lack of expertise as a real estate agent, you will need the assistance of a sponsored broker in order to successfully complete the procedure. They bring more attention to your organization while also making it simpler to find consumers and listings.

To hone your skills as a real estate agent, once you have gained some experience working as a salesperson for a period of time under the supervision of a sponsored broker, you may want to think about continuing your education. You will soon be able to pursue a career as a REALTOR without the oversight of a sponsor if this is something you are interested in doing.

You are required to get a passing score on the real estate exam in order to obtain your real estate license. If you put in the time and effort to study properly and take advantage of test preparation classes, there is a good possibility that you will do well on the exam. If you are having problems remembering what you have learned through your studies, taking the class and the exam a second time may be helpful.


Is there an online test for real estate?

Even while you may complete the prerequisite coursework for your real estate license online, the actual exam will almost always be proctored by an independent third party. On the other hand, online examinations are permitted in several states. Contacting the Real Estate Commission in your state can provide you with information on the options that are available to you.

Are there multiple-choice tests in real estate?

There are two parts to the real estate exam: one focuses specifically on state-specific material, while the other is more generic. You have access to a selection of alternatives from which to make your selection. The general segment includes between 80 and 100 multiple-choice questions, while the other parts each have between 60 and 80 questions.

How much does it cost to take the real estate exam?

The cost of taking an exam related to real estate might vary from state to state, although it is often less than $50.

>>Read more: How Much Does It Cost to Get a Real Estate License?

Where can you take the real estate exam?

At a total of three distinct testing venues, the real estate exam may be taken via PSI Exams Online, AMP Testing Center, or Pearson Vue as the exam provider. At these facilities, you may choose from any one of the hundreds of available places. The following are some of the conditions that you need to fulfill before you may take the test. Get in touch with the Real Estate Commission in your state if you want to find out additional information, including where and when your exam will be placed.

How long is the real estate exam?

When it comes to the state and national portions of the real estate exam, the amount of time you have to complete each section might range anywhere from three-quarters of an hour to over three and a half hours.


How hard is the real estate exam? The answer depends on you. In case you’ve equipped yourself with enough preparation, passing this exam is completely possible. We hope that this article has provided you with enough tips and information about the real estate exam, therefore helping you ace this exam.